Section 5


This section describes specifications, which may be used to associate additional information with a VHDL description. A specification associates additional information with a named entity that has been previously declared. There are three kinds of specifications: attribute specifications,configuration specifications, and disconnection specifications.

A specification always relates to named entities that already exist; thus a given specification must either follow or (in certain cases) be contained within the declaration of the entity to which it relates. Furthermore, a specification must always appear either immediately within the same declarative part as that in which the declaration of the named entity appears, or (in the case of specifications that relate to design units or the interface objects of design units, subprograms, or block statements) immediately within the declarative part associated with the declaration of the design unit, subprogram body, or block statement.

5.1 Attribute specification

An attribute specification associates a user-defined attribute with one or more named entities and defines the value of that attribute for those entities. The attribute specification is said to decorate the named entity.

     attribute_specification ::=
          attribute attribute_designator of entity_specification is expression ;

     entity_specification ::=
          entity_name_list : entity_class

     entity_class ::=
     entity         | architecture    | configuration
     | procedure    | function        | package
     | type         | subtype         | constant
     | signal       | variable        | component
     | label        | literal         | units
     | group        | file

     entity_name_list ::=
           entity_designator { , entity_designator }
     | others
     | all

     entity_designator ::=  entity_tag [ signature ]

     entity_tag ::=  simple_name | character_literal | operator_symbol

The attribute designator must denote an attribute. The entity name list identifies those named entities, both implicitly and explicitly defined, that inherit the attribute, as described below:

An attribute specification with the entity name list others or all for a given entity class that appears in a declarative part must be the last such specification for the given attribute for the given entity class in that declarative part. No named entity in the specified entity class may be declared in a given declarative part following such an attribute specification.

If a name in an entity name list denotes a subprogram or package, it denotes the subprogram declaration or package declaration. Subprogram and package bodies cannot be attributed.

An entity designator that denotes an alias of an object is required to denote the entire object, not a member or subelement (or slice thereof).

The entity tag of an entity designator containing a signature must denote the name of one or more subprograms or enumeration literals. In this case, the signature must match (see 2.3.2 ) the parameter and result type profile of exactly one subprogram or enumeration literal in the current declarative part; the enclosing attribute specification then decorates that subprogram or enumeration literal.

The expression specifies the value of this attribute for each of the named entities inheriting the attribute as a result of this attribute specification. The type of the expression in the attribute specification must be the same as(or implicitly convertible to) the type mark in the corresponding attribute declaration. If the entity name list denotes an entity interface, architecture body, or configuration declaration, then the expression is required to be locally static (see 7.4 ).

An attribute specification for an attribute of a design unit (i.e., an entity interface, an architecture, a configuration, or a package) must appear immediately within the declarative part of that design unit. Similarly, an attribute specification for an attribute of an interface object of a design unit, subprogram, or block statement must appear immediately within the declarative part of that design unit, subprogram, or block statement. An attribute specification for an attribute of a procedure, a function, a type, a subtype, an object (i.e., a constant, a file, a signal, or a variable), a component, literal, unit name, group, or a labeled entity must appear within the declarative part in which that procedure, function, type, subtype, object,component, literal, unit name, group, or label, respectively, is explicitly or implicitly declared.

For a given named entity, the value of a user-defined attribute of that entity is the value specified in an attribute specification for that attribute of that entity.

It is an error if a given attribute is associated more than once with a given named entity. Similarly, it is an error if two different attributes with the same simple name (whether predefined or user-defined) are both associated with a given named entity.

An entity designator that is a character literal is used to associate an attribute with one or more character literals. An entity designator that is an operator symbol is used to associate an attribute with one or more overloaded operators.

The decoration of a named entity that can be overloaded attributes all named entities matching the specification already declared in the current declarative part.

If an attribute specification appears, it must follow the declaration of the named entity with which the attribute is associated, and it must precede all references to that attribute of that named entity. Attribute specifications are allowed for all user-defined attributes, but are not allowed for predefined attributes.

An attribute specification may reference a named entity by using an alias for that entity in the entity name list, but such a reference counts as the single attribute specification that is allowed for a given attribute and therefore prohibits a subsequent specification that uses the declared name of the entity (or any other alias) as the entity designator.

An attribute specification whose entity designator contains no signature and identifies an overloaded subprogram has the effect of associating that attribute with each of the designated overloaded subprograms declared within that declarative part.


     attribute PIN_NO of CIN: signal is 10;
     attribute PIN_NO of COUT: signal is 5;
     attribute LOCATION of ADDER1: label is (10,15);
     attribute LOCATION of others: label is (25,77);
     attribute CAPACITANCE of all: signal is 15 pF;
     attribute IMPLEMENTATION of G1: group is "74LS152";
     attribute RISING_DELAY of C2Q: group is 7.2 ns;


1--User-defined attributes represent local information only and cannot be used to pass information from one description to another. For instance, assume some signal X in an architecture body has some attribute A. Further, assume that X is associated with some local port L of component C. C in turn is associated with some design entity E(B), and L is associated with E's formal port P. Neither L nor P has attributes with the simple name A, unless such attributes are supplied via other attribute specifications; in this latter case, the values of P'A and X'A are not related in any way.

2--The local ports and generics of a component declaration cannot be attributed, since component declarations lack a declarative part.

3--If an attribute specification applies to an overloadable named entity, then declarations of additional named entities with the same simple name are allowed to occur in the current declarative part unless the aforementioned attribute specification has as its entity name list either of the reserved words others or all.

4--Attribute specifications supplying either of the reserved words others or all never apply to the interface objects of design units, block statements, or subprograms.

5--An attribute specification supplying either of the reserved words others or all may apply to none of the named entities in the current declarative part, in the event that none of the named entities in the current declarative part meet all of the requirements of the attribute specification.

5.2 Configuration specification

A configuration specification associates binding information with component labels representing instances of a given component declaration.

     configuration_specification ::=
        for component_specification binding_indication ;

     component_specification ::=
        instantiation_list : component_name

     instantiation_list ::=
           instantiation_label { , instantiation_label }
     | others
     | all

The instantiation list identifies those component instances with which binding information is to be associated, as defined below:

A configuration specification with the instantiation list others or all for a given component name that appears in a declarative part must be the last such specification for the given component name in that declarative part.

The elaboration of a configuration specification results in the association of binding information with the labels identified by the instantiation list. A label that has binding information associated with it is said to be bound. It is an error if the elaboration of a configuration specification results in the association of binding information with a component label that is already bound.

NOTE--A configuration specification supplying either of the reserved words others or all may apply to none of the component instances in the current declarative part. This is the case when none of the component instances in the current declarative part meet all of the requirements of the given configuration specification.

5.2.1 Binding indication

A binding indication associates instances of a component declaration with a particular design entity. It may also associate actuals with formals declared in the entity interface.

     binding_indication ::=
         [ use entity_aspect ]
         [ generic_map_aspect ]
         [ port_map_aspect ]

The entity aspect of a binding indication, if present, identifies the design entity with which the instances of a component are associated. If present, the generic map aspect of a binding indication identifies the expressions to be associated with formal generics in the design entity interface. Similarly, the port map aspect of a binding indication identifies the signals or values to be associated with formal ports in the design entity interface.

When a binding indication is used in a configuration specification, it is an error if the entity aspect is absent.

A binding indication appearing in a component configuration need not have an entity aspect under the following condition: The block corresponding to the block configuration in which the given component configuration appears is required to have one or more configuration specifications that together configure all component instances denoted in the given component configuration. Under this circumstance, these binding indications are the primary binding indications. It is an error if a binding indication appearing in a component configuration does not have an entity aspect and there are no primary binding indications. It is also an error if, under these circumstances, the binding indication has neither a generic map aspect nor a port map aspect. This form of binding indication is the incremental binding indication, and it is used to rebind incrementally the ports and generics of the denoted instance(s) under the following conditions:

If the generic map aspect or port map aspect of a binding indication is not present, then the default rules as described in 5.2.2 apply.


     entity AND_GATE is
         generic (I1toO, I2toO: DELAY_LENGTH := 4 ns);
         port        (I1, I2: in BIT;   O: out BIT);
     end entity AND_GATE;

     entity XOR_GATE is
         generic (I1toO, I2toO : DELAY_LENGTH := 4 ns);
         port        (I1, I2: in BIT;    O : out BIT);
     end entity XOR_GATE;

     package MY_GATES is
        component AND_GATE is
           generic  (I1toO, I2toO: DELAY_LENGTH := 4 ns);
           port       (I1, I2: in BIT;   O: out BIT);
        end component AND_GATE;

        component XOR_GATE is
           generic  (I1toO, I2toO: DELAY_LENGTH := 4 ns);
           port       (I1, I2: in BIT;   O : out BIT);
        end component XOR_GATE;
     end package MY_GATES;

     entity Half_Adder is
         port    (X, Y: in BIT;
                    Sum, Carry: out BIT);
     end entity Half_Adder;

     use WORK.MY_GATES.all;
     architecture Structure of Half_Adder is
         for L1: XOR_GATE use
             entity WORK.XOR_GATE(Behavior)              --  The primary binding indication
                  generic map (3 ns, 3 ns)               --  for instance L1.
                  port map (I1 => I1, I2 => I2, O => O);

         for L2: AND_GATE use
             entity WORK.AND_GATE(Behavior)              --  The primary binding indication
                  generic map (3 ns, 4 ns)               --  for instance L2.
                  port map (I1, open, O);

         L1: XOR_GATE    port map (X, Y, Sum);
         L2: AND_GATE    port map (X, Y, Carry);
     end architecture Structure;

     configuration Different of Half_Adder is
         for Structure
              for L1: XOR_GATE
                   generic map (2.9 ns, 3.6 ns);         --  The  incremental binding
              end for;                                   --  indication of L1; rebinds its generics.

              for L2: AND_GATE
                   generic map (2.8 ns, 3.25 ns)         --  The incremental binding
                   port map (I2 => Tied_High);           --  indication L2; rebinds its generics
              end for;                                   --  and binds its open port.
        end for;
     end configuration Different; Entity aspect

An entity aspect identifies a particular design entity to be associated with instances of a component. An entity aspect may also specify that such a binding is to be deferred.

     entity_aspect ::=
           entity entity_name [ ( architecture_identifier) ]
        | configuration configuration_name
        | open

The first form of entity aspect identifies a particular entity declaration and (optionally) a corresponding architecture body. If no architecture identifier appears, then the immediately enclosing binding indication is said to imply the design entity whose interface is defined by the entity declaration denoted by the entity name and whose body is defined by the default binding rules for architecture identifiers (see 5.2.2 ). If an architecture identifier appears, then the immediately enclosing binding indication is said to imply the design entity consisting of the entity declaration denoted by the entity name together with an architecture body associated with the entity declaration; the architecture identifier defines a simple name that is used during the elaboration of a design hierarchy to select the appropriate architecture body. In either case, the corresponding component instances are said to be fully bound.

At the time of the analysis of an entity aspect of the first form, the library unit corresponding to the entity declaration denoted by the entity name is required to exist; moreover, the design unit containing the entity aspect depends on the denoted entity declaration. If the architecture identifier is also present, the library unit corresponding to the architecture identifier is required to exist only if the binding indication is part of a component configuration containing explicit block configurations or explicit component configurations; only in this case does the design unit containing the entity aspect also depend on the denoted architecture body. In any case, the library unit corresponding to the architecture identifier is required to exist at the time that the design entity implied by the enclosing binding indication is bound to the component instance denoted by the component configuration or configuration specification containing the binding indication; if the library unit corresponding to the architecture identifier was required to exist during analysis, it is an error if the architecture identifier does not denote the same library unit as that denoted during analysis. The library unit corresponding to the architecture identifier, if it exists, must be an architecture body associated with the entity declaration denoted by the entity name.

The second form of entity aspect identifies a design entity indirectly by identifying a configuration. In this case, the entity aspect is said to imply the design entity at the apex of the design hierarchy that is defined by the configuration denoted by the configuration name.

At the time of the analysis of an entity aspect of the second form, the library unit corresponding to the configuration name is required to exist. The design unit containing the entity aspect depends on the configuration denoted by the configuration name.

The third form of entity aspect is used to specify that the identification of the design entity is to be deferred. In this case, the immediately enclosing binding indication is said to not imply any design entity. Furthermore,the immediately enclosing binding indication must not include a generic map aspect or a port map aspect. Generic map and port map aspects

A generic map aspect associates values with the formal generics of a block. Similarly, a port map aspect associates signals or values with the formal ports of a block. The following applies to both external blocks defined by design entities and to internal blocks defined by block statements.

     generic_map_aspect ::=
         generic map ( generic_association_list )

     port_map_aspect ::=
         port map ( port_association_list )

Both named and positional association are allowed in a port or generic association list.

The following definitions are used in the remainder of this subclause:

The purpose of port and generic map aspects is as follows:

An actual associated with a formal generic in a generic map aspect must be an expression or the reserved word open; an actual associated with a formal port in a port map aspect must be a signal, an expression, or the reserved word open.

Certain restrictions apply to the actual associated with a formal port in a port map aspect; these restrictions are described in .

A formal that is not associated with an actual is said to be an unassociated formal.

NOTE--A generic map aspect appearing immediately within a binding indication need not associate every formal generic with an actual. These formals may be left unbound so that, for example, a component configuration within a configuration declaration may subsequently bind them.


     entity Buf is
         generic (Buf_Delay: TIME := 0 ns);
         port (Input_pin: in Bit; Output_pin: out Bit);
     end Buf;
     architecture DataFlow of Buf is
         Output_pin <= Input_pin after Buf_Delay;
     end DataFlow;

     entity Test_Bench is
     end Test_Bench;

     architecture Structure of Test_Bench is
         component Buf is
            generic (Comp_Buf_Delay: TIME);
            port (Comp_I: in Bit; Comp_O: out Bit);
         end component;

         --  A binding indication; generic and port map aspects within a binding indication
         --  associate actuals (Comp_I, etc.) with formals of the design entity interface 
         --  (Input_pin, etc.):
         for UUT: Buf
              use entity Work.Buf(DataFlow)
                   generic map (Buf_Delay => Comp_Buf_Delay)
                   port map (Input_pin => Comp_I, Output_pin=> Comp_O);
         signal S1,S2: Bit;

         --  A component instantiation statement; generic and port map aspects within a
         --  component instantiation statement associate actuals (S1, etc.) with the 
         --  formals of a component (Comp_I, etc.):
         UUT: Buf
            generic map(Comp_Buf_Delay => 50 ns)
            port map(Comp_I => S1, Comp_O => S2);

         --  A block statement; generic and port map aspects within the block header of a block
         --  statement associate actuals (4, etc.) with the formals defined in the block header:
         B: block
            generic (G: INTEGER);
            generic map(G => 4);
         end block;
     end Structure;

NOTE--A local generic (from a component declaration) or formal generic (from a block statement or from the entity declaration of the enclosing design entity) may appear as an actual in a generic map aspect. Similarly, a local port (from a component declaration) or formal port (from a block statement or from the entity declaration of the enclosing design entity) may appear as an actual in a port map aspect.

5.2.2 Default binding indication

In certain circumstances, a default binding indication will apply in the absence of an explicit binding indication. The default binding indication consists of a default entity aspect, together with a default generic map aspect and a default port map aspect, as appropriate.

If no visible entity declaration has the same simple name as that of the instantiated component, then the default entity aspect is open. A visible entity declaration is either

These visibility checks are made at the point of the absent explicit binding indication that causes the default binding indication to apply.

Otherwise, the default entity aspect is of the form

     entity entity_name ( architecture_identifier )

where the entity name is the simple name of the instantiated component, and the architecture identifier is the same as the simple name of the most recently analyzed architecture body associated with the entity declaration. If this rule is applied either to a binding indication contained within a configuration specification or to a component configuration that does not contain an explicit inner block configuration, then the architecture identifier is determined during elaboration of the design hierarchy containing the binding indication. Likewise, if a component instantiation statement contains an instantiated unit containing the reserved word entity but does not contain an explicitly specified architecture identifier, this rule is applied during the elaboration of the design hierarchy containing a component instantiation statement. In all other cases, this rule is applied during analysis of the binding indication.

It is an error if there is no architecture body associated with the entity interface denoted by an entity name that is the simple name of the instantiated component.

The default binding indication includes a default generic map aspect if the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains formal generics. The default generic map aspect associates each local generic in thecorresponding component instantiation (if any) with a formal of the same simple name. It is an error if such a formal does not exist or if its mode and type are not appropriate for such an association. Any remaining unassociated formals are associated with the actual designator open.

The default binding indication includes a default port map aspect if the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains formal ports. The default port map aspect associates each local port in the corresponding component instantiation (if any) with a formal of the same simple name. It is an error if such a formal does not exist or if its mode and type are not appropriate for such an association. Any remaining unassociated formals are associated with the actual designator open.

If an explicit binding indication lacks a generic map aspect, and if the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains formal generics, then the default generic map aspect is assumed within that binding indication. Similarly, if an explicit binding indication lacks a port map aspect, and the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains formal ports, then the default port map aspect is assumed within that binding indication.

5.3 Disconnection specification

A disconnection specification defines the time delay to be used in the implicit disconnection of drivers of a guarded signal within a guarded signal assignment.

     disconnection_specification ::=
         disconnect guarded_signal_specification after time_expression ;

     guarded_signal_specification ::=
         guarded_signal_list : type_mark

     signal_list ::=
            signal_name { , signal_name }
      | others
      | all

Each signal name in a signal list in a guarded signal specification must be a locally static name that denotes a guarded signal (see ). Each guarded signal must be an explicitly declared signal or member of such a signal.

If the guarded signal is a declared signal or a slice thereof, the type mark must be the same as the type mark indicated in the guarded signal specification (see ). If the guarded signal is an array element of an explicitly declared signal, the type mark must be the same as the element subtype indication in the (explicit or implicit) array type declaration that declares the base type of the explicitly declared signal. If the guarded signal is a record element of an explicitly declared signal, then the type mark must be the same as the type mark in the element subtype definition of the record type declaration that declares the type of the explicitly declared signal. Each signal must be declared in the declarative part enclosing the disconnection specification.

Subject to these rules, a disconnection specification applies to the drivers of a guarded signal S of whose type mark denotes the type T under the following circumstances:

           disconnect S: T after time_expression;
           disconnect S: T after time_expression;
           disconnect others: T after time_expression;
           disconnect all: T after time_expression;

A disconnection specification with the signal list others or all for a given type that appears in a declarative part must be the last such specification for the given type in that declarative part. No guarded signal of the given type may be declared in a given declarative part following such a disconnection specification.

The time expression in a disconnection specification must be static and must evaluate to a non-negative value.

It is an error if more than one disconnection specification applies to drivers of the same signal.

If, by these rules, no disconnection specification applies to the drivers of a guarded, scalar signal S whose type mark is T (including a scalar subelement of a composite signal), then the following default disconnection specification is implicitly assumed:

    disconnect S : T after 0 ns;

A disconnection specification that applies to the drivers of a guarded signal S is the applicable disconnection specification for the signal S.

Thus the implicit disconnection delay for any guarded signal is always defined,either by an explicit disconnection specification or by an implicit one.


1--A disconnection specification supplying either the reserved words others or all may apply to none of the guarded signals in the current declarative part, in the event that none of the guarded signals in the current declarative part meet all of the requirements of the disconnection specification.

2--Since disconnection specifications are based on declarative parts, not on declarative regions, ports declared in an entity interface cannot be referenced by a disconnection specification in a corresponding architecture body.

Cross-References: Disconnection statements, 9.5 ; Guarded assignment, 9.5 ; Guarded blocks, 9.1 ; Guarded signals, ; Guarded targets, 9.5 ; Signal guard, 9.1 .