
-- Notes Page --

Several examples are presented here to illustrate the subtleties of sequential and concurrent execution. In the example on the left, the two signal assignment statements will execute concurrently. The resulting behavior of signals a and b will be the perpetually swapping of their values in delta time. This behavior results from each signal assignment causing a transition one delta cycle in the future. When each signal is then updated, the signal assignment statements will be evaluated again because each had a transition in its "right-hand-side". Each signal will then be assigned a new value seen in the subsequent delta cycle, and the cycle continues endlessly.

In the example on the right, the variable assignments execute sequentially because they are inside a process (the only place VHDL variables can actually exist). The final value of both a and b will be 0 since the first assignment will copy the contents of b into a, and the second assignment will not accomplish anything useful since b and a will have the same value by then.