-- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** -- -- EIA-567 standard package -- -- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** -- -- Design Unit Name : EIA567EV -- -- Source : Standard -- -- Functionality : All type definitions required by section 4.6.1 -- -- Version : 1.0 -- -- History : Original -- -- Annotations : None -- -- Analysis Dependencies : None -- -- Limitations : None -- -- Fidelity : Complete -- -- Discrepancies : None -- -- Supplementary Information : None -- -- Development Platform : IBM compatible PC -- -- VHDL Software Version : VSystem/Windows ver. 3.3a -- -- ************************************************************** PACKAGE eia567ev IS -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Define electrical types and ranges. Used in various -- -- places in this package and in the component electrical -- -- view package. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- TYPE resistance IS RANGE 1 TO 1e8 UNITS ohms; kilohms = 1000 ohms; megohms = 1000 kilohms; END UNITS; TYPE capacitance IS RANGE 0 TO 1000 UNITS pf; nf = 1000 pf; uf = 1000 nf; END UNITS; TYPE voltage IS RANGE -1e8 TO 1e8 UNITS uv; mv = 1000 uv; v = 1000 mv; END UNITS; TYPE current IS RANGE -1e8 TO 1e8 UNITS ua; ma = 1000 ua; a = 1000 ma; END UNITS; TYPE power IS RANGE -1e8 TO 1e8 UNITS uw; mw = 1000 uw; w = 1000 mw; END UNITS; TYPE temperature IS RANGE -100 TO 300 UNITS degrees_c; END UNITS; -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -- ev_signal_limit and io_driver_types_type are -- used in the component electrical view to identify -- the signal parameters for each pin in the io_driver_ -- types constant and the dc_mapping constant. -- -------------------------------------------------- -- TYPE ev_signal_limit IS RECORD voh, vol : voltage; ioh, iol : current; test_load : NATURAL; vih, vil : voltage; iih, iil : current; pin_load : capacitance; END RECORD; TYPE io_driver_types_type IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF ev_signal_limit; -- --------------------------------------------------- -- -- power_limit and power_list_type are used in the -- component electrical view to identify the power -- supply levels in the power_list constant. -- --------------------------------------------------- -- TYPE power_limit IS RECORD vmin, vmax : voltage; imax : current; pmax : power; END RECORD; TYPE power_list_type IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF power_limit; END eia567ev;