1995 High Level Synthesis Design Repository ------------------------------------------- Coordinator: Nikil Dutt, U.C. Irvine (dutt@ics.uci.edu) Authors: Preeti Ranjan Panda, U.C. Irvine (ppanda@ics.uci.edu) Nikil Dutt, U.C. Irvine (dutt@ics.uci.edu) Last Updated: 25 January 95 First Created: 18 January 95 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory has the following contents : HLSynth95-tr.ps - Postscript file - Technical Report on the 1995 High Level Synthesis Design Repository. README - This file. complete - This directory contains design examples for which proper documentation and test cases exist. incomplete - This directory contains design examples for which test cases and proper documentation do not exist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------