 * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 University of California, Riverside.
 * Permission to copy is granted provided that this header remains
 * intact.  This software is provided with no warranties.
 * Version : 1.0


static unsigned char xdata P_STAT_REG_ADDR _at_ 65531;
static unsigned char xdata P_CMND_REG_ADDR _at_ 65532;
static unsigned char xdata P_DATA_REG_ADDR _at_ 65533;


void CcdppInitialize() {
    /* no code */


void CcdppCapture(void) {
    P_CMND_REG_ADDR = 1;
    while( P_STAT_REG_ADDR == 1 ) {
        /* busy wait */


char CcdppPopPixel(void) {
    return P_DATA_REG_ADDR;

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