/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 University of California, Riverside. * Permission to copy is granted provided that this header remains * intact. This software is provided with no warranties. * * Version : 1.0 */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { char *name; int msb; int lsb; int skip; } InsForm; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern const char *RomHeader; extern const char *RomFooter; extern const char *InsBitTbl[]; extern const InsForm InsFormTbl[]; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned Hex2Short(const char *buf) { int i; if( sscanf(buf, "%x", &i) != 1 ) { printf("hex file error\n"); exit(1); } return i; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int Load(char *buf, unsigned char *rom, unsigned romSize, unsigned *prgSize) { unsigned len, base, type, i; unsigned char checksum = 0; char hex[16]; if( buf[0] != ':' ) { printf("hex file error\n"); exit(1); } hex[0] = buf[1]; hex[1] = buf[2]; hex[2] = 0; len = Hex2Short(hex); hex[0] = buf[3]; hex[1] = buf[4]; hex[2] = buf[5]; hex[3] = buf[6]; hex[4] = 0; base = Hex2Short(hex); hex[0] = buf[7]; hex[1] = buf[8]; hex[2] = 0; if( (type = Hex2Short(hex)) == 1 ) return 1; if ( (base + len) > (*prgSize) ) { (*prgSize) = base + len + 2; } if( (*prgSize) >= romSize || (base + len) >= romSize ) { printf("program too large\n"); exit(1); } for(i=0; i<len; i++) { hex[0] = buf[ 9 + i * 2]; hex[1] = buf[10 + i * 2]; rom[base + i] = (unsigned char)Hex2Short(hex); } for(i=0; buf[i * 2 + 1] && buf[i * 2 + 2]; i++) { hex[0] = buf[i * 2 + 1]; hex[1] = buf[i * 2 + 2]; checksum += (unsigned char)Hex2Short(hex); } if( checksum != 0 ) { printf("checksum failed\n"); exit(1); } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int Match(const char *binary, int msb, int lsb, const char *bit) { char buf[16]; strcpy(buf, &binary[7-msb]); buf[8-lsb] = 0; return strcmp(bit, buf) == 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *Comment(const char *binary) { static char buf[32]; static int skip = 0; int i; if( skip == 0 ) { for(i=0; i<111; i++) { if( Match(binary, InsFormTbl[i].msb, InsFormTbl[i].lsb, InsBitTbl[i]) ) { sprintf(buf, "\t-- %s", InsFormTbl[i].name); skip = InsFormTbl[i].skip; return buf; } } } else { skip--; } return ""; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *ToBinary(unsigned char b) { static char buf[9]; int i; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { buf[i] = b & (0x80 >> i) ? '1' : '0'; } buf[9] = 0; return buf; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WriteVhdl(unsigned char *rom, unsigned prgSize, const char *fileName) { FILE* fh = fopen("i8051_rom.vhd", "w"); char *binary; unsigned i; assert( fh != 0 ); fprintf(fh, "-- %s \n\n%s", fileName, RomHeader); fprintf(fh, " type ROM_TYPE is array (0 to %i)", prgSize - 1); fprintf(fh, " of UNSIGNED (7 downto 0);\n\n"); fprintf(fh, " constant PROGRAM : ROM_TYPE := (\n\n"); for(i=0; i<prgSize-1; i++) { binary = ToBinary(rom[i]); fprintf(fh, "\t\"%s\",%s\n", binary, Comment(binary)); } binary = ToBinary(rom[prgSize-1]); fprintf(fh, "\t\"%s\");%s\n%s", binary, Comment(binary), RomFooter); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fh; char buf[256]; unsigned char rom[4096]; unsigned prgSize = 0; memset(rom, 0, sizeof(rom)); if( argc != 2 || (fh = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == 0 ) { printf("file argument invalid\n"); exit(1); } while( !feof(fh) ) { fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fh); if( Load(buf, rom, sizeof(rom), &prgSize) ) break; } WriteVhdl(rom, prgSize, argv[1]); return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char *RomHeader = "library IEEE;\n" "use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;\n" "use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;\n" "use WORK.I8051_LIB.all;\n" "\n" "entity I8051_ROM is\n" " port(rst : in STD_LOGIC;\n" " clk : in STD_LOGIC;\n" " addr : in UNSIGNED (11 downto 0);\n" " data : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0);\n" " rd : in STD_LOGIC);\n" "end I8051_ROM;\n" "\n" "architecture BHV of I8051_ROM is\n" "\n"; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char *RomFooter = "begin\n" "\n" " process(rst, clk)\n" " begin\n" " if( rst = '1' ) then\n" "\n" " data <= CD_8;\n" " elsif( clk'event and clk = '1' ) then\n" "\n" " if( rd = '1' ) then\n" "\n" " data <= PROGRAM(conv_integer(addr));\n" " else\n" "\n" " data <= CD_8;\n" " end if;\n" " end if;\n" " end process;\n" "end BHV;"; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char *InsBitTbl[] = { "10001", "00101", "00100101", "0010011", "00100100", "00111", "00110101", "0011011", "00110100", "00001", "01011", "01010101", "0101011", "01010100", "01010010", "01010011", "10000010", "10110000", "10110101", "10110100", "10111", "1011011", "11100100", "11000011", "11000010", "11110100", "10110011", "10110010", "11010100", "00010100", "00011", "00010101", "0001011", "10000100", "11011", "11010101", "00000100", "00001", "00000101", "0000011", "10100011", "00100000", "00010000", "01000000", "01110011", "00110000", "01010000", "01110000", "01100000", "00010010", "00000010", "11101", "11100101", "1110011", "01110100", "11111", "10101", "01111", "11110101", "10001", "10000101", "1000011", "01110101", "1111011", "1010011", "0111011", "10100010", "10010010", "10010000", "10010011", "10000011", "1110001", "11100000", "1111001", "11110000", "10100100", "00000000", "01001", "01000101", "0100011", "01000100", "01000010", "01000011", "01110010", "10100000", "11010000", "11000000", "00100010", "00110010", "00100011", "00110011", "00000011", "00010011", "11010011", "11010010", "10000000", "10011", "10010101", "1001011", "10010100", "11000100", "11001", "11000101", "1100011", "1101011", "01101", "01100101", "0110011", "01100100", "01100010", "01100011", }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const InsForm InsFormTbl[] = { { "ACALL ", 4, 0, 1 }, { "ADD_1 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "ADD_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ADD_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "ADD_4 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ADDC_1 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "ADDC_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ADDC_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "ADDC_4 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "AJMP ", 4, 0, 1 }, { "ANL_1 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "ANL_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ANL_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "ANL_4 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ANL_5 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ANL_6 ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "ANL_7 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ANL_8 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "CJNE_1 ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "CJNE_2 ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "CJNE_3 ", 7, 3, 2 }, { "CJNE_4 ", 7, 1, 2 }, { "CLR_1 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "CLR_2 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "CLR_3 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "CPL_1 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "CPL_2 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "CPL_3 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "DA ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "DEC_1 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "DEC_2 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "DEC_3 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "DEC_4 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "DIV ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "DJNZ_1 ", 7, 3, 1 }, { "DJNZ_2 ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "INC_1 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "INC_2 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "INC_3 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "INC_4 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "INC_5 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "JB ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "JBC ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "JC ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "JMP ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "JNB ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "JNC ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "JNZ ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "JZ ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "LCALL ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "LJMP ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "MOV_1 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "MOV_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "MOV_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "MOV_4 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "MOV_5 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "MOV_6 ", 7, 3, 1 }, { "MOV_7 ", 7, 3, 1 }, { "MOV_8 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "MOV_9 ", 7, 3, 1 }, { "MOV_10 ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "MOV_11 ", 7, 1, 1 }, { "MOV_12 ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "MOV_13 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "MOV_14 ", 7, 1, 1 }, { "MOV_15 ", 7, 1, 1 }, { "MOV_16 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "MOV_17 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "MOV_18 ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "MOVC_1 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "MOVC_2 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "MOVX_1 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "MOVX_2 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "MOVX_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "MOVX_4 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "MUL ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "NOP ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "ORL_1 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "ORL_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ORL_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "ORL_4 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ORL_5 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ORL_6 ", 7, 0, 2 }, { "ORL_7 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "ORL_8 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "POP ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "PUSH ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "RET ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "RETI ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "RL ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "RLC ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "RR ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "RRC ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "SETB_1 ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "SETB_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "SJMP ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "SUBB_1 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "SUBB_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "SUBB_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "SUBB_4 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "SWAP ", 7, 0, 0 }, { "XCH_1 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "XCH_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "XCH_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "XCHD ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "XRL_1 ", 7, 3, 0 }, { "XRL_2 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "XRL_3 ", 7, 1, 0 }, { "XRL_4 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "XRL_5 ", 7, 0, 1 }, { "XRL_6 ", 7, 0, 2 } }; 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