-- -- Copyright (c) 1999-2000 University of California, Riverside. -- Permission to copy is granted provided that this header remains -- intact. This software is provided with no warranties. -- -- Version : 1.0 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; use WORK.I8051_LIB.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity I8051_CTR is port(rst : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; rom_addr : out UNSIGNED (11 downto 0); rom_data : in UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); rom_rd : out STD_LOGIC; ram_addr : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); ram_out_data : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); ram_in_data : in UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); ram_out_bit_data : out STD_LOGIC; ram_in_bit_data : in STD_LOGIC; ram_rd : out STD_LOGIC; ram_wr : out STD_LOGIC; ram_is_bit_addr : out STD_LOGIC; xrm_addr : out UNSIGNED (15 downto 0); xrm_out_data : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); xrm_in_data : in UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); xrm_rd : out STD_LOGIC; xrm_wr : out STD_LOGIC; dec_op_out : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); dec_op_in : in UNSIGNED (8 downto 0); alu_op_code : out UNSIGNED (3 downto 0); alu_src_1 : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); alu_src_2 : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); alu_src_3 : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); alu_src_cy : out STD_LOGIC; alu_src_ac : out STD_LOGIC; alu_des_1 : in UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); alu_des_2 : in UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); alu_des_cy : in STD_LOGIC; alu_des_ac : in STD_LOGIC; alu_des_ov : in STD_LOGIC); end I8051_CTR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture BHV of I8051_CTR is type CPU_STATE_TYPE is (CS_0, CS_1, CS_2, CS_3); type EXE_STATE_TYPE is (ES_0, ES_1, ES_2, ES_3, ES_4, ES_5, ES_6, ES_7); signal reg_pc_15_11 : UNSIGNED (4 downto 0); signal reg_pc_10_8 : UNSIGNED (2 downto 0); signal reg_pc_7_0 : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); signal reg_op1 : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); signal reg_op2 : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); signal reg_op3 : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); signal reg_acc : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); signal reg_cy : STD_LOGIC; signal reg_ac : STD_LOGIC; signal reg_f0 : STD_LOGIC; signal reg_rs1 : STD_LOGIC; signal reg_rs0 : STD_LOGIC; signal reg_ov : STD_LOGIC; signal reg_nu : STD_LOGIC; signal reg_p : STD_LOGIC; signal cpu_state : CPU_STATE_TYPE; signal exe_state : EXE_STATE_TYPE; begin process(rst, clk) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure SET_PC_1 (pch, pcl : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin reg_pc_15_11 <= pch(7 downto 3); reg_pc_10_8 <= pch(2 downto 0); reg_pc_7_0 <= pcl; end SET_PC_1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure SET_PC_2 (pch : UNSIGNED (2 downto 0); pcl : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin reg_pc_10_8 <= pch; reg_pc_7_0 <= pcl; end SET_PC_2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure SET_PC_H (pch : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin reg_pc_15_11 <= pch(7 downto 3); reg_pc_10_8 <= pch(2 downto 0); end SET_PC_H; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure SET_PC_L (pcl : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin reg_pc_7_0 <= pcl; end SET_PC_L; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure GET_PC_H (pch : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin pch := reg_pc_15_11 & reg_pc_10_8; end GET_PC_H; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure GET_PC_L (pcl : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin pcl := reg_pc_7_0; end GET_PC_L; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure GET_RAM_ADDR_1 (a : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin a := "000" & reg_rs1 & reg_rs0 & reg_op1(2 downto 0); end GET_RAM_ADDR_1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure GET_RAM_ADDR_2 (a : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin a := "000" & reg_rs1 & reg_rs0 & "00" & reg_op1(0); end GET_RAM_ADDR_2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure SET_PSW (p : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin reg_cy <= p(7); reg_ac <= p(6); reg_f0 <= p(5); reg_rs1 <= p(4); reg_rs0 <= p(3); reg_ov <= p(2); reg_nu <= p(1); reg_p <= p(0); end SET_PSW; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure GET_PSW (p : out UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin p(7) := reg_cy; p(6) := reg_ac; p(5) := reg_f0; p(4) := reg_rs1; p(3) := reg_rs0; p(2) := reg_ov; p(1) := reg_nu; p(0) := reg_p; end GET_PSW; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure START_RD_ROM (h, l : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin rom_addr <= h(3 downto 0) & l; rom_rd <= '1'; end START_RD_ROM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure STOP_RD_ROM is begin rom_addr <= CD_12; rom_rd <= '0'; end STOP_RD_ROM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure START_RD_RAM (a : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin ram_addr <= a; ram_is_bit_addr <= '0'; ram_rd <= '1'; ram_wr <= '0'; end START_RD_RAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure START_WR_RAM (a : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin ram_addr <= a; ram_is_bit_addr <= '0'; ram_rd <= '0'; ram_wr <= '1'; end START_WR_RAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure START_RD_BIT_RAM (a : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin ram_addr <= a; ram_is_bit_addr <= '1'; ram_rd <= '1'; ram_wr <= '0'; end START_RD_BIT_RAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure START_WR_BIT_RAM (a : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0)) is begin ram_addr <= a; ram_is_bit_addr <= '1'; ram_rd <= '0'; ram_wr <= '1'; end START_WR_BIT_RAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure STOP_RD_WR_RAM is begin ram_addr <= CD_8; ram_out_data <= CD_8; ram_out_bit_data <= '-'; ram_is_bit_addr <= '-'; ram_rd <= '0'; ram_wr <= '0'; end STOP_RD_WR_RAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure START_RD_XRM (a : UNSIGNED (15 downto 0)) is begin xrm_addr <= a; xrm_rd <= '1'; xrm_wr <= '0'; end START_RD_XRM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure START_WR_XRM (a : UNSIGNED (15 downto 0)) is begin xrm_addr <= a; xrm_rd <= '0'; xrm_wr <= '1'; end START_WR_XRM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure STOP_RD_WR_XRM is begin xrm_addr <= CD_16; xrm_out_data <= CD_8; xrm_rd <= '0'; xrm_wr <= '0'; end STOP_RD_WR_XRM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure SHUT_DOWN_ALU is begin alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_NONE; alu_src_1 <= CD_8; alu_src_2 <= CD_8; alu_src_3 <= CD_8; alu_src_cy <= '-'; alu_src_ac <= '-'; end SHUT_DOWN_ALU; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- variable v8, pcl, pch : UNSIGNED (7 downto 0); begin if( rst = '1' ) then SET_PC_1(C0_8, C0_8); reg_op1 <= C0_8; reg_op2 <= CD_8; reg_op3 <= CD_8; reg_acc <= CD_8; SET_PSW(CD_8); cpu_state <= CS_0; exe_state <= ES_0; STOP_RD_ROM; STOP_RD_WR_RAM; STOP_RD_WR_XRM; SHUT_DOWN_ALU; elsif( clk'event and clk = '1' ) then STOP_RD_ROM; STOP_RD_WR_RAM; STOP_RD_WR_XRM; case cpu_state is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- reset controller -- when CS_0 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_data <= CM_8; START_WR_RAM(R_P0); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= CM_8; START_WR_RAM(R_P1); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= CM_8; START_WR_RAM(R_P2); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= CM_8; START_WR_RAM(R_P3); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= C7_8; START_WR_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; when others => null; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- handle interrupts -- when CS_1 => cpu_state <= CS_2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- process instructions -- when CS_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); START_RD_ROM(pch, pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCUADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; alu_src_3 <= C1_8; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => START_RD_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(R_ACC); reg_op1 <= rom_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => START_RD_ROM(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); SET_PSW(ram_in_data); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCUADD; alu_src_1 <= alu_des_1; alu_src_2 <= alu_des_2; if( dec_op_in(7) = '1' ) then alu_src_3 <= C1_8; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => START_RD_ROM(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); reg_acc <= ram_in_data; alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCUADD; alu_src_1 <= alu_des_1; alu_src_2 <= alu_des_2; if( dec_op_in(8) = '1' ) then alu_src_3 <= C1_8; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => reg_op2 <= rom_data; SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => reg_op3 <= rom_data; exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_3; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- execute state -- when CS_3 => case dec_op_in(6 downto 0) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- sp <- sp + 1 -- mem(sp) <- pc(7-0) -- sp <- sp + 1 -- mem(sp) <- pc(15-8) -- pc(10-0) <- page address -- when OPC_ACALL => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= alu_des_1; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; ram_out_data <= pcl; START_WR_RAM(alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PC_H(pch); ram_out_data <= pch; START_WR_RAM(alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => SET_PC_2(reg_op1(7 downto 5), reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + (r) -- when OPC_ADD_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= '0'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + (direct) -- when OPC_ADD_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= '0'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + ((r)) -- when OPC_ADD_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= '0'; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + #data -- when OPC_ADD_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= reg_op2; alu_src_cy <= '0'; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + cy + (r) -- when OPC_ADDC_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + cy + (direct) -- when OPC_ADDC_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + cy + ((r)) -- when OPC_ADDC_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + cy + #data -- when OPC_ADDC_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= reg_op2; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- pc(10-0) <- page address -- when OPC_AJMP => case exe_state is when ES_0 => SET_PC_2(reg_op1(7 downto 5), reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc && (r) -- when OPC_ANL_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_AND; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc && (direct) -- when OPC_ANL_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_AND; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc && ((r)) -- when OPC_ANL_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_AND; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc && #data -- when OPC_ANL_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_AND; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= reg_op2; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) && acc -- when OPC_ANL_5 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_AND; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) && #data -- when OPC_ANL_6 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_AND; alu_src_1 <= reg_op3; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- cy <- cy & (bit) -- when OPC_ANL_7 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => reg_cy <= reg_cy and ram_in_bit_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- cy <- cy & ~(bit) -- when OPC_ANL_8 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => reg_cy <= reg_cy and (not ram_in_bit_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( a != (direct) ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- if( a < (direct) ) -- cy <- 1 -- else -- cy <- 0 -- when OPC_CJNE_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( reg_acc /= ram_in_data ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op3; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; if( reg_acc < ram_in_data ) then reg_cy <= '1'; else reg_cy <= '0'; end if; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( a != #data ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- if( a < #data ) -- cy <- 1 -- else -- cy <- 0 -- when OPC_CJNE_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( reg_acc /= reg_op2 ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op3; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; if( reg_acc < reg_op2 ) then reg_cy <= '1'; else reg_cy <= '0'; end if; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( (r) != #data ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- if( (r) < #data ) -- cy <- 1 -- else -- cy <- 0 -- when OPC_CJNE_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( ram_in_data /= reg_op2 ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op3; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; if( ram_in_data < reg_op2 ) then reg_cy <= '1'; else reg_cy <= '0'; end if; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( ((r)) != #data ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- if( ((r)) < #data ) -- cy <- 1 -- else -- cy <- 0 -- when OPC_CJNE_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( ram_in_data /= reg_op2 ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op3; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; if( ram_in_data < reg_op2 ) then reg_cy <= '1'; else reg_cy <= '0'; end if; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- 0 -- when OPC_CLR_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_data <= C0_8; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- cy <- 0 -- when OPC_CLR_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => reg_cy <= '0'; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (bit) <- 0 -- when OPC_CLR_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_bit_data <= '0'; START_WR_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- ~acc -- when OPC_CPL_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_NOT; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- cy <- ~cy -- when OPC_CPL_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => reg_cy <= not reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (bit) <- ~(bit) -- when OPC_CPL_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_bit_data <= not ram_in_bit_data; START_WR_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- see I8051_ALU -- when OPC_DA => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_DA; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; alu_src_ac <= reg_ac; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc - 1 -- when OPC_DEC_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (r) <- (r) - 1 -- when OPC_DEC_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) - 1 -- when OPC_DEC_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ((r)) <- ((r)) - 1 -- when OPC_DEC_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- see I8051_ALU -- when OPC_DIV => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_B); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_DIV; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_2; START_WR_RAM(R_B); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (r) <- (r) - 1 -- if( (r) != 0 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_DJNZ_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(v8); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( alu_des_1 /= C0_8 ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op2; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) - 1 -- if( (direct) != 0 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_DJNZ_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => SET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( alu_des_1 /= C0_8 ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op3; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc + 1 -- when OPC_INC_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (r) <- (r) + 1 -- when OPC_INC_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) + 1 -- when OPC_INC_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ((r)) <- ((r)) + 1 -- -- when OPC_INC_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- dptr <- dptr + 1 -- when OPC_INC_5 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPL); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPH); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_DPL); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= alu_des_cy; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_DPH); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( (bit) == 1 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_JB => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( ram_in_bit_data = '1' ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op3; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( (bit) == 1 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- (bit) <- 0 -- when OPC_JBC => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( ram_in_bit_data = '1' ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op3; ram_out_bit_data <= '0'; START_WR_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( cy == 1 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_JC => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( reg_cy = '1' ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op2; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- pc <- dptr + acc -- when OPC_JMP => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPL); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPH); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCUADD; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_3 <= reg_acc; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( (bit) == 0 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_JNB => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( ram_in_bit_data = '0' ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op3; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( cy == 0 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_JNC => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( reg_cy = '0' ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op2; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( acc != 0 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_JNZ => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( reg_acc /= C0_8 ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op2; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- if( acc == 0 ) -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_JZ => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; if( reg_acc = C0_8 ) then alu_src_3 <= reg_op2; else alu_src_3 <= C0_8; end if; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- sp <- sp + 1 -- mem(sp) <- pc(7-0) -- sp <- sp + 1 -- mem(sp) <- pc(15-8) -- pc(15-0) <- address -- when OPC_LCALL => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= alu_des_1; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; ram_out_data <= pcl; START_WR_RAM(alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PC_H(pch); ram_out_data <= pch; START_WR_RAM(alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => SET_PC_1(reg_op2, reg_op3); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- pc(15-0) <- address -- when OPC_LJMP => case exe_state is when ES_0 => SET_PC_1(reg_op2, reg_op3); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- (r) -- when OPC_MOV_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- (direct) -- when OPC_MOV_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- ((r)) -- when OPC_MOV_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- #data -- when OPC_MOV_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_data <= reg_op2; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (r) <- acc -- when OPC_MOV_5 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); ram_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (r) <- (direct) -- when OPC_MOV_6 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (r) <- #data -- when OPC_MOV_7 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); ram_out_data <= reg_op2; START_WR_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- acc -- when OPC_MOV_8 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (r) -- when OPC_MOV_9 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) -- when OPC_MOV_10 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(reg_op3); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- ((r)) -- when OPC_MOV_11 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- #data -- when OPC_MOV_12 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_data <= reg_op3; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ((r)) <- acc -- when OPC_MOV_13 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ((r)) <- (direct) -- when OPC_MOV_14 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => reg_acc <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ((r)) <- #data -- when OPC_MOV_15 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= reg_op2; START_WR_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- cy <- (bit) -- when OPC_MOV_16 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => reg_cy <= ram_in_bit_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (bit) <- cy -- when OPC_MOV_17 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_bit_data <= reg_cy; START_WR_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- dph <- #data-hi -- dpl <- #data-lo -- when OPC_MOV_18 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_data <= reg_op2; START_WR_RAM(R_DPH); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= reg_op3; START_WR_RAM(R_DPL); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- (dptr + acc) -- when OPC_MOVC_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPL); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPH); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCUADD; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_3 <= reg_acc; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => START_RD_ROM(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => ram_out_data <= rom_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- (pc + acc) -- when OPC_MOVC_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCUADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; alu_src_3 <= reg_acc; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => START_RD_ROM(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= rom_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- ((r)) -- when OPC_MOVX_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_XRM("00000000" & ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= xrm_in_data; START_WR_RAM(REG_ACC); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- (DPTR) -- when OPC_MOVX_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPL); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPH); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCUADD; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_3 <= C0_8; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => START_RD_XRM(alu_des_2 & alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => ram_out_data <= xrm_in_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ((r)) <- acc -- when OPC_MOVX_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => xrm_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_XRM("00000000" & ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (DPTR) <- acc -- when OPC_MOVX_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPL); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => START_RD_RAM(R_DPH); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCUADD; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_3 <= C0_8; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => xrm_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_XRM(alu_des_2 & alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- see I8051_ALU -- when OPC_MUL => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_B); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_MUL; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_2; START_WR_RAM(R_B); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- no operation -- when OPC_NOP => case exe_state is when ES_0 => exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc || (r) -- when OPC_ORL_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_OR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc || (direct) -- when OPC_ORL_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_OR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc || ((r)) -- when OPC_ORL_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_OR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc || #data -- when OPC_ORL_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_OR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= reg_op2; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) || acc -- when OPC_ORL_5 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_OR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) || #data -- when OPC_ORL_6 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_OR; alu_src_1 <= reg_op3; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- cy <- cy | (bit) -- when OPC_ORL_7 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => reg_cy <= reg_cy or ram_in_bit_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- cy <- cy | ~(bit) -- when OPC_ORL_8 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => reg_cy <= reg_cy or (not ram_in_bit_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (sp) -- sp <- sp - 1 -- when OPC_POP => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- sp <- sp + 1 -- (sp) <- (direct) -- when OPC_PUSH => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- pc(15-8) <- (sp) -- sp <- sp - 1 -- pc(7-0) <- (sp) -- sp <- sp - 1 -- when OPC_RET => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => START_RD_RAM(alu_des_1); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= alu_des_1; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => SET_PC_H(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => SET_PC_L(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_SP); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- see I8051_ALU -- when OPC_RL => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_RL; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- see I8051_ALU -- when OPC_RLC => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_RLC; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- see I8051_ALU -- when OPC_RR => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_RR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- see I8051_ALU -- when OPC_RRC => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_RRC; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- cy <- 1 -- when OPC_SETB_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => reg_cy <= '1'; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (bit) <- 1 -- when OPC_SETB_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_bit_data <= '1'; START_WR_BIT_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- pc <- pc + rel -- when OPC_SJMP => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_PC_H(pch); GET_PC_L(pcl); alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_PCSADD; alu_src_1 <= pcl; alu_src_2 <= pch; alu_src_3 <= reg_op2; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => SET_PC_1(alu_des_2, alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc - cy - (r) -- when OPC_SUBB_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc - cy - (direct) -- when OPC_SUBB_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc - cy - ((r)) -- when OPC_SUBB_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc - cy - #data -- when OPC_SUBB_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_SUB; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= reg_op2; alu_src_cy <= reg_cy; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); reg_cy <= alu_des_cy; reg_ac <= alu_des_ac; reg_ov <= alu_des_ov; exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => GET_PSW(v8); ram_out_data <= v8; START_WR_RAM(R_PSW); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc(3-0) <-> acc(7-4) -- when OPC_SWAP => case exe_state is when ES_0 => ram_out_data <= reg_acc(3 downto 0) & reg_acc(7 downto 4); START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <-> (r) -- when OPC_XCH_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); ram_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <-> (direct) -- when OPC_XCH_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <-> ((r)) -- when OPC_XCH_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= reg_acc; START_WR_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc(3-0) <-> ((r))(3-0) -- when OPC_XCHD => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_ADD; alu_src_1 <= ram_in_data; alu_src_2 <= C0_8; alu_src_cy <= '0'; START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => START_RD_RAM(alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => ram_out_data <= ram_in_data(7 downto 4) & reg_acc(3 downto 0); START_WR_RAM(alu_des_1); exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= reg_acc(7 downto 4) & ram_in_data(3 downto 0); START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc ^ (r) -- when OPC_XRL_1 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_1(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_XOR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc ^ (direct) -- when OPC_XRL_2 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_XOR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc ^ ((r)) -- when OPC_XRL_3 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => GET_RAM_ADDR_2(v8); START_RD_RAM(v8); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => START_RD_RAM(ram_in_data); exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_XOR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- acc <- acc ^ #data -- when OPC_XRL_4 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_XOR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= reg_op2; exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(R_ACC); exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) ^ acc -- when OPC_XRL_5 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_XOR; alu_src_1 <= reg_acc; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (direct) <- (direct) ^ #data -- when OPC_XRL_6 => case exe_state is when ES_0 => START_RD_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_1; when ES_1 => exe_state <= ES_2; when ES_2 => alu_op_code <= ALU_OPC_XOR; alu_src_1 <= reg_op3; alu_src_2 <= ram_in_data; exe_state <= ES_3; when ES_3 => ram_out_data <= alu_des_1; START_WR_RAM(reg_op2); exe_state <= ES_4; when ES_4 => exe_state <= ES_5; when ES_5 => exe_state <= ES_6; when ES_6 => exe_state <= ES_7; when ES_7 => SHUT_DOWN_ALU; cpu_state <= CS_1; exe_state <= ES_0; end case; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- when others => null; end case; end case; end if; end process; dec_op_out <= reg_op1; end BHV; <div align="center"><br /><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7293844627074885"; //468x60, Created at 07. 11. 25 google_ad_slot = "8619794253"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script><br /> </div>