.TH VSPLIT 1 .SH NAME vsplit \- splits up VHDL source files so that there is only one design unit per file .SH SYNOPSIS .I vsplit [ options ] file1 [file2 ...] .SH DESCRIPTION .I vsplit splits up VHDL source files containing one or more design units into separate files so that there is only one design unit per file. Vsplit conforms to the following naming conventions. Entities are put into "_.vhd". Architectures are put into "_.vhd". Configurations go into "_.vhd". Packages are put into "_.vhd", and package bodies are put into ".vhd". Note that refers to entity name, refers to architecture name, etc. After the contents of the source file is split into mutltiple other files, the source file itself is moved to ".old_". If you do not want to change the source file's name, specify option -n. .SH OPTIONS .IP -i The interactive option is usefull if the user wishes vsplit to first identify what files are going to be created before splitting up the soure files. The user is then prompted to see if he wants to do the split as indicated. .IP -v The verbose option is used to show what files are being created, as vsplit creates them. If not used, vsplit runs silently. .IP -d directory This option is used to indicate to vsplit to put the new files into the indicated directory. NOTE that this option implies -n. been implemented. .IP -n If you don't want the source file moved to ".old_", specify this option. .SH BUGS .SH "AUTHOR" .nf Original program written by Himanshu M. Thaker .fi