-- -- Rcsid[] = "$Id: ctl_lgc1.vhd,v 2.1 1993/10/06 01:04:36 alex Exp $"; -- --------------------------------------------- -- May 22, 1993 -- ctl_lgc1 --------------------------------------------- -- This logic generates the read, write, ALE, INTABAR, IOMBAR, S1, -- S0 etc. The components mcdecoder1 and mcdecoder2 are used to -- generate signals depending on the instruction type for resetting -- the M5 counter after appropriate machine cycles. entity ctl_lgc1 is port(m5reset,lastmc,RSTN,ALE,RDBAR,WRBAR,INTABAR,IOMBAR,S1,S0,BIMC, CC6_signal: out bit; ID: in bit_vector(19 downto 0); CC,CCbar,I2,I3,I5,M5,M4,M3,M2,M1, T1,T2,T3,CLKBAR,CLK,VCC,INA,INTA,RESETBAR: in bit); end; architecture structure of ctl_lgc1 is component mcdecode port(m5reset,wrinm2,wrinm3,lastmc,rstn,CC6: out bit; ID: in bit_vector(19 downto 0); CC,CCbar,I2,I3,I5,M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,INA: in bit); end component; component rdwrgen port(ALE,RDBAR,WRBAR,INTABAR,IOMBAR,S1,S0,BIMC: out bit; T3,T2,T1,CLKBAR,CLK,wrinm2,wrinm3,ID19,ID16,ID15,ID13, ID11,ID10,ID9,ID5,ID4,ID3,ID2,ID1,I3, INA,INTA,CCBAR,RESETBAR,VCC: in bit; M: in bit_vector(5 downto 1)); end component; signal wrinm2, wrinm3: bit; begin M_2 : mcdecode port map(m5reset,wrinm2,wrinm3,lastmc,RSTN,CC6_signal, ID(19 downto 0),CC,CCbar,I2,I3,I5,M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,INA); RW : rdwrgen port map(ALE,RDBAR,WRBAR,INTABAR,IOMBAR,S1,S0,BIMC,T3,T2,T1,CLKBAR, CLK,wrinm2,wrinm3,ID(19),ID(16),ID(15),ID(13),ID(11 downto 9), ID(5 downto 1),I3,INA,INTA,CCBAR,RESETBAR,VCC,M5,M4,M3,M2,M1); end structure;