
Cell: tmp2_r    View: spec    Library: work


Total accumulated area : 
 Number of FG Function Generators :     34
 Number of H Function Generators :       2
 Number of Packed CLBs :                18
 Number of CLB Flip Flops :             12
 Number of IBUF :                       29
 Number of OBUF :                       11
 Number of OBUFT :                      12

 Number of ports :                      52
 Number of nets :                      132
 Number of instances :                 103
 Number of references to this view :     0

             Cell          Library  References     Total Area

           H2_LUT              xi4     1 x      1      1 H Function Generators
           H3_LUT              xi4     1 x      1      1 H Function Generators
           F3_LUT              xi4     8 x      1      8 FG Function Generators
           F4_LUT              xi4    19 x      1     19 FG Function Generators
           F2_LUT              xi4     7 x      1      7 FG Function Generators
               FD              xi4     8 x      1      8 CLB Flip Flops
              FDC              xi4     4 x      1      4 CLB Flip Flops
            OBUFT              xi4    12 x      1     12 OBUFT
             OBUF              xi4    11 x      1     11 OBUF
              INV              xi4     1 x      1      1 INV
              GND              xi4     1 x      1      1 GND
              VDD              xi4     1 x      1      1 VDD
             IBUF              xi4    29 x      1     29 IBUF

Using default wire table: 4013-5

                        Slack Table

End points                         Slack       Arrival             Required
                                             rise     fall      rise     fall

rd_gb/                         :    n/a      48.40   54.40         n/a      n/a 
addr_gb(6)/                    :    n/a      47.60   47.70         n/a      n/a 
addr_gb(5)/                    :    n/a      41.70   47.70         n/a      n/a 
addr_gb(4)/                    :    n/a      47.60   47.70         n/a      n/a 
addr_gb(3)/                    :    n/a      47.60   47.70         n/a      n/a 
addr_gb(2)/                    :    n/a      47.60   47.70         n/a      n/a 
addr_gb(1)/                    :    n/a      47.60   47.70         n/a      n/a 
addr_gb(0)/                    :    n/a      47.60   47.70         n/a      n/a 
addr_gb(7)/                    :    n/a      47.60   47.70         n/a      n/a 
dec_rd_sp/                     :    n/a      34.80   40.80         n/a      n/a 

                        Critical Path Report

Critical path #1, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(0)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix531/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             8.30
nx515/O                                F4_LUT      18.00 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      25.60 up             9.10
T_dup_93/O                             F4_LUT      39.20 up             2.20
rd_gb/O                                OBUFT       54.40 dn             2.20
rd_gb/                                             54.40 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  54.40

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  54.40
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #2, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(2)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix533/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             8.30
nx515/O                                F4_LUT      18.00 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      25.60 up             9.10
T_dup_93/O                             F4_LUT      39.20 up             2.20
rd_gb/O                                OBUFT       54.40 dn             2.20
rd_gb/                                             54.40 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  54.40

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  54.40
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #3, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(3)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix534/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             8.30
nx515/O                                F4_LUT      18.00 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      25.60 up             9.10
T_dup_93/O                             F4_LUT      39.20 up             2.20
rd_gb/O                                OBUFT       54.40 dn             2.20
rd_gb/                                             54.40 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  54.40

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  54.40
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #4, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(0)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix531/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             8.30
ix464_ix14_nx12/O                      F4_LUT      18.00 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      25.60 up             9.10
T_dup_93/O                             F4_LUT      39.20 up             2.20
rd_gb/O                                OBUFT       54.40 dn             2.20
rd_gb/                                             54.40 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  54.40

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  54.40
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #5, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(2)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix533/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             8.30
ix464_ix14_nx12/O                      F4_LUT      18.00 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      25.60 up             9.10
T_dup_93/O                             F4_LUT      39.20 up             2.20
rd_gb/O                                OBUFT       54.40 dn             2.20
rd_gb/                                             54.40 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  54.40

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  54.40
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #6, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(3)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix534/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             8.30
ix464_ix14_nx12/O                      F4_LUT      18.00 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      25.60 up             9.10
T_dup_93/O                             F4_LUT      39.20 up             2.20
rd_gb/O                                OBUFT       54.40 dn             2.20
rd_gb/                                             54.40 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  54.40

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  54.40
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #7, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(1)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix532/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             7.40
nx515/O                                F4_LUT      17.10 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      24.70 up             9.10
T_dup_93/O                             F4_LUT      38.30 up             2.20
rd_gb/O                                OBUFT       53.50 dn             2.20
rd_gb/                                             53.50 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  53.50

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  53.50
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #8, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(1)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix532/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             7.40
ix464_ix14_nx12/O                      F4_LUT      17.10 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      24.70 up             9.10
T_dup_93/O                             F4_LUT      38.30 up             2.20
rd_gb/O                                OBUFT       53.50 dn             2.20
rd_gb/                                             53.50 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  53.50

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  53.50
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #9, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(0)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix531/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             8.30
ix464_ix14_nx12/O                      F4_LUT      18.00 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      25.60 up             9.10
addr_gb(6)/O                           OBUFT       47.70 dn             2.20
addr_gb(6)/                                        47.70 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  47.70

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  47.70
                                              unconstrained path

Critical path #10, (unconstrained path)
NAME                                   GATE         ARRIVAL              LOAD
t2_cmd(2)/                                         0.00 up             2.20
ix533/O                                IBUF        5.20 up             8.30
ix464_ix14_nx12/O                      F4_LUT      18.00 up             3.10
~nx191/O                               F4_LUT      25.60 up             9.10
addr_gb(6)/O                           OBUFT       47.70 dn             2.20
addr_gb(6)/                                        47.70 dn             0.00
data arrival time                                  47.70

data required time                                 not specified
data required time                                 not specified
data arrival time                                  47.70
                                              unconstrained path

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